Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs - Chapter 1: "Exploring Fauna of Indonesia"

Efektivitas latihan soal dalam pembelajaran sangat tinggi, karena membantu siswa memahami konsep, memperkuat ingatan, dan meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis. Beberapa cara latihan soal dapat efektif antara lain:

Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep: Dengan mengerjakan berbagai jenis soal, siswa dapat melihat konsep dari berbagai sudut pandang, sehingga pemahaman mereka lebih mendalam.

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Meningkatkan Retensi: Mengulangi materi melalui latihan soal membantu memperkuat ingatan jangka panjang.

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Sobat elpedia!! Berikut ini adalah soal formatif pilihan ganda dengan stimulus untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs, Chapter 1: "Exploring Fauna of Indonesia". Setiap soal disertai jawaban dan pembahasan. Yuk Gaes!!!.. Persiapkan diri kamu, Buktikan bahwa kamu HEBAT!!!


Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan memilih jawaban yang kamu anggap benar!

Text about Bekantan

The proboscis monkey, also known as "bekantan" in Indonesia, is an endemic species found in Borneo. These monkeys are recognized for their large noses, which are more prominent in males. Bekantan lives in mangrove forests and swampy areas, feeding on leaves, fruits, and seeds. Unfortunately, their population is declining due to habitat loss and hunting.


What does the proboscis monkey eat? ...

A. Meat and fish
B. Leaves, fruits, and seeds
C. Small insects
D. Grass

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: Berdasarkan teks, bekantan memakan daun, buah, dan biji-bijian.


Where can proboscis monkeys be found? ....

A. Sumatra
B. Java
C. Borneo
D. Papua

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: Bekantan adalah spesies endemik yang hanya ditemukan di Kalimantan (Borneo).


Why is the proboscis monkey population declining? ....

A. Deforestation and hunting
B. Pollution and disease
C. Lack of food
D. Natural disasters

Jawaban: A

Pembahasan: Populasi bekantan menurun akibat hilangnya habitat (deforestasi) dan perburuan.


What makes the male proboscis monkey unique? ....

A. Their large size
B. Their big nose
C. Their long tail
D. Their bright fur

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: Hidung besar adalah ciri khas unik dari bekantan jantan.


What is another name for proboscis monkey in Indonesia? ....

A. Orangutan
B. Bekantan
C. Gibbon
D. Macaque

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: Dalam bahasa Indonesia, proboscis monkey dikenal sebagai bekantan.


What can we do to protect proboscis monkeys? ....

A. Build more zoos
B. Feed them in captivity
C. Hunt them responsibly
D. Conserve mangrove forests

Jawaban: D

Pembahasan: Salah satu cara melindungi bekantan adalah dengan menjaga habitat mereka, yaitu hutan bakau.


What is the main threat to proboscis monkeys? ....

A. Overpopulation
B. Deforestation and hunting
C. Competition with other animals
D. Lack of water

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: Ancaman utama bagi bekantan adalah hilangnya habitat akibat deforestasi dan perburuan.

Read the following text carefully.

Text 1:

Orangutans and gorillas are great apes that share similarities and differences. Orangutans are mostly found in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra in Indonesia. They have long arms and reddish-brown hair. Orangutans are arboreal animals, spending most of their time in trees. Gorillas, on the other hand, are found in the forests of Africa. They have black fur and are more terrestrial. Gorillas live in groups called troops and are known for their strong social bonds. Both species are endangered due to habitat loss and hunting.


Where do orangutans primarily live? ....

A. Africa
B. Asia
C. Indonesia
D. Australia

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: Orangutan ditemukan di hutan hujan Borneo dan Sumatra, yang terletak di Indonesia.


What color is the fur of orangutans? ....

A. Black
B. Brown
C. Reddish-brown
D. Yellow

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: Orangutan memiliki bulu berwarna kemerahan, seperti disebutkan dalam teks.


How do orangutans and gorillas differ in their habitat preferences? ....

A. Both are arboreal
B. Both are terrestrial
C. Orangutans are arboreal, gorillas are terrestrial
D. Orangutans are terrestrial, gorillas are arboreal

Jawaban: C

Jawaban: c. Orangutans are arboreal, gorillas are terrestrial Pembahasan: Teks menjelaskan bahwa orangutan hidup di pohon (arboreal), sedangkan gorila lebih sering di darat (terrestrial).


Read the following statement:

"Orangutans spend most of their time in trees, swinging from one branch to another using their long arms."

What physical feature helps orangutans live in trees?....

A. Long legs
B. Long arms
C. Sharp claws
D. Small body size

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: Teks menyebutkan bahwa lengan panjang membantu orangutan berayun dari satu cabang ke cabang lain.


Complete the sentence based on the text:

"The loss of rainforests directly threatens the survival of..."

Which animals are most affected by deforestation according to the text? ....

A. Elephants
B. Tigers
C. Bears
D. Gorillas and orangutans

Jawaban: D

Pembahasan: Orangutan dan gorila terancam karena kehilangan habitatnya di hutan.


Which of the following is true about gorillas compared to orangutans? ....

A. Gorillas have shorter arms.
B. Gorillas live alone.
C. Gorillas have lighter fur.
D. Gorillas spend more time in trees.

Jawaban: A

Pembahasan: Gorila memiliki lengan yang lebih pendek dibandingkan orangutan, yang adaptif untuk kehidupan darat.

Read the following text carefully.

Text 2:

"The Javan Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi) is a bird species native to Indonesia. It is known for its striking crest and sharp eyesight. This bird lives in the forests of Java and is the national bird of Indonesia. Sadly, it is an endangered species due to habitat loss and poaching."


What is the Javan Hawk-Eagle famous for? ....

A. Its size and color
B. Its crest and eyesight
C. Its wingspan
D. Its hunting skills

Jawaban: B

Explanation: The text mentions that the Javan Hawk-Eagle is known for its "striking crest and sharp eyesight."


Where does the Javan Hawk-Eagle primarily live? ....

A. Forests of Sumatra
B. Forests of Kalimantan
C. Forests of Java
D. Forests of Bali

Jawaban: C

Explanation: The text states that this bird "lives in the forests of Java."


Why is the Javan Hawk-Eagle endangered? ....

A. Natural predators
B. Climate change
C. Habitat loss and poaching
D. Lack of food sources

Jawaban: C

Explanation: The text specifically mentions "habitat loss and poaching" as reasons for the bird being endangered.

Read the following text carefully.

Text 3:

"Indonesia is home to a variety of birds, including the Bali Myna. The Bali Myna (Leucopsar rothschildi) is a critically endangered species with a white body, black tips on its wings, and a blue patch around its eyes. Conservation efforts are underway to save this bird, which can only be found on the island of Bali."


What color is the Bali Myna's body? ....

A. Blue
B. Black
C. White
D. Yellow

Jawaban: C

Explanation: The text describes the Bali Myna as having a "white body."


Where can the Bali Myna be found? ....

A. Java
B. Bali
C. Sumatra
D. Papua

Jawaban: B

Explanation: The text states that the Bali Myna "can only be found on the island of Bali."


What conservation status does the Bali Myna have? ....

A. Endangered
B. Critically endangered
C. Vulnerable
D. Near threatened

Jawaban: B

Explanation: The text mentions that the Bali Myna is a "critically endangered species."


"Birdwatchers often visit Papua to see the Bird of Paradise. These birds are known for their colorful feathers and unique courtship dances. They play an important role in the culture of Papua, often appearing in traditional art and ceremonies."

What makes the Bird of Paradise unique?....

A. Its habitat
B. Its size
C. Its diet
D. Its colorful feathers and dances

Jawaban: D

Explanation: The text highlights the bird’s "colorful feathers and unique courtship dances."



Semoga Latihan Soal ini bermanfaat dan bisa memberikan semangat untuk selalu berlatih. Salam sukses, Sobat Elpedia !!!.


Kebenaran jawaban diatas tidak mutlak. Jawaban tersebut bersifat terbuka sehingga bisa dieksplorasi lagi lebih lanjut.

Demikianlah soal formatif pilihan ganda dengan stimulus untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP/MTs, Chapter 1: "Exploring Fauna of Indonesia". Setiap soal disertai jawaban dan pembahasan. Semoga bermanfaat dalam mempersiapkan ujian atau asesmen. Baca juga soal-soal Lainnya pada DAFTAR ISI di bawah ini!


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