Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP/MTs - Chapter 1: "Celebrating Independence Day"

Efektivitas latihan soal dalam pembelajaran sangat tinggi, karena membantu siswa memahami konsep, memperkuat ingatan, dan meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis. Beberapa cara latihan soal dapat efektif antara lain:

Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep: Dengan mengerjakan berbagai jenis soal, siswa dapat melihat konsep dari berbagai sudut pandang, sehingga pemahaman mereka lebih mendalam.

Identifikasi Kelemahan: Latihan soal membantu siswa mengidentifikasi area yang mereka kuasai dan area yang masih perlu ditingkatkan.

Meningkatkan Retensi: Mengulangi materi melalui latihan soal membantu memperkuat ingatan jangka panjang.

Simulasi Ujian: Latihan soal membantu siswa mempersiapkan diri menghadapi ujian sesungguhnya, mengurangi kecemasan, dan meningkatkan kepercayaan diri.

Meningkatkan Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah: Soal-soal yang menantang dapat membantu siswa mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan pemecahan masalah.

Evaluasi Diri: Siswa dapat menilai kemajuan mereka sendiri dan membuat rencana belajar yang lebih efektif. Untuk hasil yang optimal, latihan soal sebaiknya dilakukan secara teratur, dengan variasi jenis soal, dan disertai dengan review atau pembahasan untuk memahami kesalahan yang terjadi.

Sobat elpedia!! Berikut ini adalah soal formatif pilihan ganda dengan stimulus, mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP/MTs, Chapter 1: Celebrating Independence Day, lengkap dengan jawaban dan pembahasannya. Yuk Gaes!!!.. Persiapkan diri kamu, Buktikan bahwa kamu HEBAT!!!


Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan memilih jawaban yang kamu anggap benar!


Every year, Indonesia celebrates Independence Day on August 17. People gather to watch flag-hoisting ceremonies and participate in various competitions such as sack races and tug of war.

What event is celebrated on August 17 in Indonesia? ...

A. Christmas
B. Independence Day
C. New Year's Day
D. Labour Day

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: August 17 is celebrated as Indonesia's Independence Day, marking the country's declaration of independence from colonial rule.


The flag-hoisting ceremony is held at the Presidential Palace. It is a formal event attended by government officials, soldiers, and citizens.

Where is the flag-hoisting ceremony held? ....

A. In schools
B. In villages
C. At the Presidential Palace
D. At the local markets

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: The flag-hoisting ceremony on Independence Day is an important national event held at the Presidential Palace.


Many schools organize competitions for students, including traditional games and sporting events.

What do schools organize on Independence Day? ....

A. Competitions
B. Feasts
C. Marketplaces
D. Religious ceremonies

Jawaban: A

Pembahasan: Schools often organize fun competitions such as races and games for students to celebrate Independence Day.


Independence Day in Indonesia is celebrated with various traditional games, one of which is the "Panjat Pinang". In this game, participants must climb a tall tree that is greased and has prizes hanging from the top. The champion is the one who reaches the top and retrieves the prize.

What is the main objective of the "Panjat Pinang" game? ....

A. To collect as many prizes as possible
B. To climb a greased tree and reach the top
C. To decorate the tree with prizes
D. To celebrate Independence Day with family

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: The main objective of the "Panjat Pinang" game is to climb a tall, greased tree to reach the top and retrieve the prizes.


The "Panjat Pinang" event is usually held during Indonesia's Independence Day celebration. It is a popular game enjoyed by both children and adults.

Who typically participates in the "Panjat Pinang" game? ....

A. Only children
B. Only adults
C. Both children and adults
D. Only the elderly

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: The game is enjoyed by both children and adults, making it a fun and inclusive activity during Independence Day celebrations.


During the "Panjat Pinang" game, participants are often covered in mud and grease as they try to climb the slippery tree.

Why do participants get covered in mud and grease during the game?....

A. To make the game more difficult
B. To make it easier to climb the tree
C. To protect themselves from injuries
D. To enjoy the challenge of the game

Jawaban: A

Pembahasan: The greased tree makes the game more challenging and adds excitement to the competition.


The winner of the "Panjat Pinang" game is the person who successfully climbs the tree and reaches the top.

What is the reward for the winner of the "Panjat Pinang" game?....

A. A trophy
B. A medal
C. A prize hanging from the tree
D. A certificate

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: The prize for the winner is usually something hanging from the top of the greased tree, such as food or small items.


The "Panjat Pinang" tree is often tall, and participants may need to work together to reach the top.

What does this statement suggest about the game? ....

A. It requires teamwork
B. It can be done individually
C. It is a solo activity
D. It is a game for only one person

Jawaban: A

Pembahasan: Participants often need teamwork to successfully reach the top, especially if the tree is tall and difficult to climb.


The "Panjat Pinang" game is held as part of a larger celebration of Independence Day in Indonesia, where people come together to celebrate their national freedom.

What is the main purpose of the "Panjat Pinang" game? ....

A. To have fun and enjoy togetherness
B. To compete for prizes
C. To practice sportsmanship
D. To raise awareness about independence

Jawaban: A

Pembahasan: The main purpose of the game is to bring people together to have fun and celebrate Independence Day as a community.


During the event, the tree is often decorated with colorful items to make the game more exciting.
What is usually decorated on the tree during "Panjat Pinang"? ....

A. Fruits
B. Flags and prizes
C. Lights
D. Flowers

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: The tree is often decorated with flags and prizes to add excitement to the game.

Read the teks below and answer the questions.

"Every year, people celebrate Independence Day by going to parades. The parade features many activities, including marching bands, dancers, and even a float display. Families gather to watch, and people often dress in red, white, and blue. The parade starts in the morning and goes through the main street of the city. After the parade, families enjoy picnics and fireworks in the evening." v

What is the main purpose of the parade on Independence Day? ....

A. To showcase local businesses
B. To celebrate Independence Day
C. To raise money for charity
D. To promote tourism

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: Teks menjelaskan bahwa parade tersebut diadakan untuk merayakan Hari Kemerdekaan.


Which of the following is NOT mentioned as part of the parade? ....

A. Marching bands
B. Dancers
C. A float display
D. A concert

Jawaban: D

Pembahasan: Teks hanya menyebutkan marching bands, dancers, dan float display, tidak ada konser.


What do people often wear during the parade? ....

A. Green and yellow clothes
B. Red, white, and blue clothes
C. Black and white clothes
D. Formal clothes

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: Teks menyebutkan bahwa orang sering mengenakan pakaian berwarna merah, putih, dan biru.


What does the word "features" mean in the sentence "The parade features many activities"? ....

A. Hides
B. Avoids
C. Presents
D. Chooses

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: "Features" berarti memperlihatkan atau menampilkan sesuatu sebagai bagian dari acara.


The word "gather" in the sentence "Families gather to watch" means ....

A. To spread out
B. To meet or come together
C. To go away
D. To shout

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: "Gather" berarti berkumpul atau berkumpul di suatu tempat.


Choose the correct order of words to make a sentence: "celebrate - Day - People - Independence - to - parade - go."

A. People go to parade to celebrate Independence Day.
B. People go parade to Independence Day celebrate.
C. People celebrate parade go to Independence Day.
D. People to celebrate parade go Independence Day.

Jawaban: A

Pembahasan: Kalimat ini menyusun kata-kata dengan urutan yang benar.

Independence Day at SMP Merdeka

On August 17th, SMP Merdeka celebrates Indonesia's Independence Day with a variety of events. The students and teachers decorate the school with red and white flags. The ceremony begins at 7 AM with a flag-raising ceremony, followed by a speech from the principal. After the ceremony, there are fun games like sack races, tug-of-war, and traditional Indonesian games. Students and teachers enjoy the activities, and everyone has a great time celebrating this important day.


What is the main event celebrated at SMP Merdeka on August 17th? ....

A. Graduation Day
B. Christmas
C. Independence Day
D. Teacher's Day

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: The text specifically mentions that SMP Merdeka celebrates Indonesia's Independence Day on August 17th.


What time does the flag-raising ceremony begin? ....

A. 6 AM
B. 7 AM
C. 8 AM
D. 9 AM

Jawaban: B

Pembahasan: The text states that the ceremony begins at 7 AM.


Who gives the speech during the ceremony? ....

A. The president
B. A student
C. The principal
D. The teacher

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: The text mentions that the principal gives a speech after the flag-raising ceremony.


What colors are used to decorate the school? ....

A. Blue and white
B. Green and yellow
C. Red and white
D. Black and white

Jawaban: C

Pembahasan: The text mentions that the students and teachers decorate the school with red and white flags.



Semoga Latihan Soal ini bermanfaat dan bisa memberikan semangat untuk selalu berlatih. Salam sukses, Sobat Elpedia !!!.


Kebenaran jawaban diatas tidak mutlak. Jawaban tersebut bersifat terbuka sehingga bisa dieksplorasi lagi lebih lanjut.

Demikianlah soal formatif pilihan ganda dengan stimulus, mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP/MTs, Chapter 1: Celebrating Independence Day, lengkap dengan jawaban dan pembahasannya. Semoga bermanfaat dalam mempersiapkan ujian atau asesmen. Baca juga soal-soal Lainnya pada DAFTAR ISI di bawah ini!


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